Le Wand Deux Rose Gold
Le Wand Deux Rose Gold is a twin-motor, rechargeable mini vibrator for vulva owners that need additional clitoral stimulation. Made for comfort from body-safe silicone, features easy-to-use controls that breeze through 15 rumbly vibration modes and 6 arousing intensity levels. We refer to Le Wand Deux as “sensation in stereo,” because of its ability to act like headphones for the clit, nipples, or whichever erogenous zone you’re stimulating. Ideal for solo pleasure or intense couples’ play. Test your partner’s ability to resist orgasmic pleasure with each of its powerful ends.
Each set comes complete with a travel lock, LED charging indicator, and a micro-suede pouch for discreet storage. This double-pronged clitoral toy deserves not only a spot in your travel bag but also your masturbation heart!
Scroll down to learn more about key features.
Double the pleasure
Features a twin-motor design that embraces the contours of your body surrounding the clitoris and nipples, amplifying the sensation that will send you over the edge.
Body-safe silicone
100% body-safe material with a soft luxurious texture.
Waterproof body
Can be immersed in pure water up to 1.6 feet for 30 minutes.
Dual motor
Twin – motor designed to surround the clitoris, the nipple or wherever you desire the most.
Simple intuitive controls
Easy to use 3 buttons to control 15 vibration modes and 6 intensity levels.
Compact and versatile
With its convenient and compact shape, the unit does not compromise on power. It features 15 rumbly vibration modes and 6 different intensity levels.
At a glance

Le Wand Deux 強力雙摩打震動按摩器 – 玫瑰金
– 兔耳雙頭震動,用於外部刺激
– 15種振動模式
– 6個強度等級
– 3個按鍵控制界面
– 超靜音
– 旅行鎖
– 防水
– 隨附USB充電線
– 包括微絨面革儲物袋
– 有機矽和金屬
Le Wand Deux 是專為體外刺激而設的豪華便攜震動器。愛撫陰蒂及乳頭,帶來非一般的極致愉悅。 採用對身體安全的矽膠製造。極易使用的按鈕讓您輕鬆地由15種震動模式及6種震動強度中挑選出您的心儀頻率。 雙頭設計,提供立體式感官享受。 無論自己使用或伴侶調情,都能夠超越所想。您可以使用強勁的震頭互相調情。 配備按鈕鎖定功能,LED 充電顯示燈及貼心的收藏絨布袋,讓您珍貴的玩具得到安心的保護。這款精緻的玩具必定成為您的旅行伴侶,讓您隨時隨地,隨心所欲。體積纖巧,但威力強勁!內置的強力雙摩打,能夠圍擁您的陰蒂、乳頭、耳朵等敏感部位,帶您直奔高潮。
100% 對身體安全材料,絲滑柔軟,奢華矜貴。
可以於 1.6 英尺(約49厘米)的水中操作30分鐘,讓您盡享嬉水之樂。
便能直接利用標準 USB 插口充電!充滿電便可提供1小時的使用時間。
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