Simple & True Rechargeable Vibrating Bullet 3.5″ Teal
Bullet Vibrators can take solo sex from so-so to ecstatic sexual climaxes. With the Simple & True Rechargeable Vibrating Bullet – Teal from BMS enterprises, you’ll get all the arousal you’ll be able to stand.
This wireless waterproof, vibrating bullet with 10 powerful functions is discreet enough to take anywhere. Its power-packed motor provides unbelievable, deep and rumbling vibrations strong enough for any power-seeker. Rechargeable for endless fun whenever you desire!
- 10 functions
- Waterproof
- Rechargeable
- Long run time
- USB Cord Included
- Phthalate-Free
- Soft touch
- Main composition: ABS, Silicone
Always use a water based lubricant compatible with this product for maximum pleasure. Use a toy cleaner for all your cleaning needs, before and after every use. Do not share with other sexual partners. Help prevent sexual diseases through the use of proper contraceptives, judgement, education and care.
Simple & True “簡單而真實” 充電振動子彈3.5英寸藍綠色
- 10項功能
- 防水
- 可充電
- 運行時間長
- 隨附USB線
- 不含鄰苯二甲酸鹽
- 觸感柔軟
- 主要成分:ABS,有機矽
為了獲得最大的愉悅感,請務必使用與該產品兼容的水性潤滑液。每次使用前後,請使用玩具清潔劑進行所有清潔。 不要與其他性伴侶分享。 通過使用適當的避孕方法,判斷,教育和護理,幫助預防性疾病。
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